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Functional Design,

As IP, ever since the day of its establishment, putting forward the 30 years experience of its partners, we have developed careful and innovative viewpoints at every stage of the construction sector. We have become a hardworking team that constantly develop their knowledge in the fields of design and project management and ever remain fresh. Thanks to this, we can correctly determine the «scope» not completed in projects we have undertaken, and quickly move ahead. We exist with our experience.

We exploit on a common platform what we have accumulated in different areas of the sector. We reflect our architectural, electromechanical and business experience directly on the project. We call it «Functional Design». Through the integrated functioning of architectural and electromechanical design, we solve the requirements of the business at the stage of planning. We are strong together...

With the «Grün» approach that we have developed, we put into practice, on a scale of buildings, energy efficiency and sustainable energy use beyond standards. By lowering costs and energy consumption, we reduce carbon emissions as well as creating profitable businesses. We are working for the Earth...